Power Calculator to Detect Pre- and Post-natal Effects

Power to detect prenatal maternal genetic effect (1 df test):

        Power to detect postnatal maternal genetic effect (1 df test):

        Power to detect maternal genetic effect (2 df test):

        Power to detect paternal genetic effect (1 df test):

        Power to detect offspring genetic effect (1 df test):


Alpha level is the type 1 error rate for the genetic association study.
Prenatal maternal genetic effect is the standardardized path coefficient relating to prenatal maternal genetic effects.
Postnatal maternal genetic effect is the standardardized path coefficient relating to postnatal maternal genetic effects.
Paternal genetic effect is the standardardized path coefficient relating to paternal genetic effects.
Offspring genetic effect is the standardardized path coefficient relating to offspring genetic effects.

If you have an effect size estimate and allele frequency for the genetic variant of interest, you can calculate the percent variance in the trait explained as (2*P*(1-P)*b^2)/VAR(trait), where P=allele frequency, b=effect size estimate.

Assume the variance of all GRS is one

Correlation between maternal and paternal GRS takes into account one round of assortative mating in the parental generation.

For the SEM to be identified, parent offspring trios (or both mother-offspring pairs and father-offspring pairs) and adopted individuals must be present.

NaN results suggests that the model is not identified or there are not enough individuals for Mx to generate a reliable result.

If you encounter any errors please contact the developers at d.evans1@uq.edu.au