Direct and INdirect effects analysis of Genetic lOci (DINGO) Power Analysis

Power of unconditional fetal test of association (1 df test):

        Power of unconditional maternal test of association (1 df test):

        Power to detect a fetal OR maternal effect (1 df test):

        Power of fetal meta-analytic test of association (1 df test):

        Power of maternal meta-analytic test of association (1 df test):

        Power to detect a fetal or maternal effect in the meta-analysis (1 df test):

        Two degree of freedom test (2 df test):


For a description of the different tests of association, please see: Hwang et al. (in preparation). Direct and INdirect effects analysis of Genetic lOci (DINGO): A simple method to increase the power of locus discovery in GWAS meta-analyses of perinatal phenotypes and offspring traits influenced by indirect genetic effects

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